Company Information

Industry Information

General Business Research Sites

Private Companies

International Companies

How much do you know about
the people putting food on your table?

If you want to add value to your customers and prospects,
you must be very familiar with their business: their performance, goals, business  strategies, principal challenges, etc. While
there are of course thousands of links to web sites that will
give you information on companies and industries, most are
oriented toward potential investors. The ones listed below  have
been selected for their usefulness and relevance to salespeople.

Company Information

Type / Link


Company Annual Report

You can view a copy of most public companies' annual reports on their web sites today, but there is really no substitute for a hard copy. For most companies, you should be able to link to Investor Relations and request an investor's kit. They will send you the annual report and a lot of other useful information. There are some sites that aggregate annual reports from many different companies, but since you are going to visit the company web site anyway, just order it yourself.

Company Web Site

Another "must-visit" stop on your search for information. This is their face to the world; and even private companies will put a tremendous amount of information on their sites.

Form 10-K

The "non-fluff" version of the annual report, which must be filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Download a copy for free from the SEC.

Form 10-Q

The quarterly version. This is especially useful when it has been almost a year since the last annual report.


Any company that is planning an Initial Public Offering (IPO) or some similar major financial transaction has to file one of these. It will have a great amount of narrative information about its business and marketing strategies, strengths and weaknesses, competitors, personnel, etc.

Hoover's Online ($)

A good starting point for company and industry information. You can get in-depth company histories, information about company officers, financial performance, links to press releases and recent articles, and much more.

Press Releases
PR Newswire
Business Wire Company News

It's a good idea to be up to date on the latest company happenings before you call on them.

Most company web sites carry their most recent press releases.

PR Newswire
Wall Street Journal ($)
Business Week ($)

You can usually link to articles from the company's home page (usually only the flattering ones) from a service such as Hoover's, or search the main magazine archives directly.

Company Newsletter

Sometimes you can get on their mailing list when you ask for the investor kit. (Or pick up a copy while you're waiting in the lobby)

SEC Database (EDGAR)

See the descriptions above.

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Industry Information

Type / Link


SIC Code
Yahoo SIC Codes

Standard Industrial Classification codes are used to classify the thousands of industries in our modern economy. Many sites and guides are organized by SIC code. Of course, some of the companies you call on may be involved in many different industries, so use the code for the business unit you are selling to.


This system, which was developed by the U.S., Canada, and Mexico to provide comparable statistics across the three countries, is replacing the SIC coding system. This link only gets you to ordering information for the new codes. I will post links to a site that actually has the new codes as soon as I find one. Meanwhile, keep using the SIC codes.

Trade Associations
and Publications

Using the SIC code or the name of the industry, you can find which magazines cover a particular industry. You can obtain a lot of useful information from almost any issue, but most have an annual issue which covers the general statistics and most pressing issues of the industry. Trade magazines can be identified in SRDS (Standard Rate and Data Service) BUSINESS PUBLICATIONS. Also, check The NATIONAL TRADE AND PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION (NTPA94) DIRECTORY.

Books on the Industry

You can go to or one of the other on-line bookstores and search for books on the particular company or industry.

Annual Reports

These can give you a lot of industry information, especially if you get one for each of the top few companies in the industry.

Industry News Articles
Yahoo! Industry News
Business Wire Industry News

There are so many different articles, that the best time to use this site is after you are familiar with an industry and want to keep up with the latest news.

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General Business Research Sites

Use these sites if you want to explore some more on your own. These are other sites similar to this page. They are all vastly larger and more detailed than this one, but none of them focus on the business research from the sales angle.

Type / Link


Polson Enterprises

Excellent site. Has a lot of links, but also a step-by-step guide to finding information. More than you need, but definitely helpful.


If you're really a glutton for punishment and want to find even more sites on your own, check out this site.

CEO Express

Hundreds of business links on one page make this site convenient and easy.

Corporate Information

Any site can link you to information on public U.S. companies, but if you want to research private and foreign companies, it's hard to beat this site. The link on the left is to their page of private company resources. For international companies, see the link below.

Wall Street Journal ($)

This site contains a lot of links to help you research companies and industries, and has the added advantage of linking to their extensive archives.

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Private Companies

Because of differences in reporting requirements and the fact that most business research sites cater to potential investors, it's generally more difficult to find information on private companies. However, some of the links below are helpful. The bright side to this problem is that your prospects or customers will not expect you to be as well informed.

Type / Link



This should be your first stop.

Press releases and articles

See above.

Annual Reports

Even if you can't get an annual report for your subject company, get the annual reports of its top competitors. the financial performance will be generally comparable, and the narrative information will tell you a lot about the issues that are important to them.

Corporate Information

Any site can link you to information on public U.S. companies, but if you want to research private and foreign companies, it's hard to beat this site. The link on the left is to their page of private company resources. For international companies, see the link below.

Dun & Bradstreet ($)

They charge for reports, so you might want to use them only for information on smaller companies for which there is little information otherwise available.

Comparative Financials

You can get a general idea of your customer's financial performance by understanding the averages for its peer group. These books compile comparative financial statement information about companies by industry so you can compare how your customer compares to its peer group. You can probably get them at your library: ALMANAC OF BUSINESS AND INDUSTRIAL FINANCIAL RATIOS, RMA Annual Statement Studies, and Industry Norms and Key Business Ratios by Dun's Analytical Services.

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International Companies

Since other countries generally do not require as much financial disclosure as the U.S., it can be more difficult  to find information. However, more and more foreign registered companies are making their annual reports publicly available.

Type / Link


Carol World™

A free service which offers access to annual reports for non-US companies.

Corporate Information

This site is very useful for finding information on non-U.S. companies. It contains over 15,000 research reports and also has great links for specific industry information.

Wright Investors' Service

Some very detailed--and free--company profiles. this site is definitely worth visiting.

Hoover's UK

Hoover's for companies in the UK.


Information filed with Canadian Securities Administrators; it's similar to our EDGAR.

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